some guys at the office have found my blog simply via strategic googling. i'd always thought i'd be protected by the vastness of the internet/blogosphere.
if the people i've been socializing with find it i'll be run out of town. especially now that i'm running into the "my ridiculous teenage party" crowd and their circle of friends on a regular basis. perhaps it's time to make some edits. or i could just sit back and wait for the coming disaster. all of this socializing goes against my surly and aloof nature anyway. it's getting to be exhausting. this weekend was pretty much one continuous party, culminating last night in, of all things, karaoke. yeah, that's how far i am from where i should be. and this wasn't just any karaoke--this was hipster karaoke. imagine an exclusive new york club frequented by fashion models--the kind of place that would never let me in. now replace all the kate mosses and cocaine with fashionable indians and a karaoke machine. it sounds weird, but it worked, somehow.