Tuesday, July 26, 2005

more than i (and now you) needed to know

friday: fun at purple haze. i stumbled across the mysterious retro "second floor" which according to rumor is a drug haven that lets in westerners and well-connected indians only. i discovered it by accident on my way to meet a co-worker buddy on the hard rockin' 3rd floor, so i didn't have time to test the claims. lots of depressing metallica on this particular night.

saturday: fun at an exclusive ultra fancy nightclub. plush couches, classy decor, and a bar covered in rose petals for christ's sake. B's indian friend G got us in. bangalore's pretty people came out in droves. i had the best manhattan i've found in india thus far, though it still wasn't quite right and cost a whopping 250 rupees ($6). that's the price of half a month's lunches at the office.

sunday: fun at pecos. B2 & A, who i met on my very first day in bangalore, returned from their india tour. met them and others for beefy lunch and fermented beverages. i learned that one day in belgium during a festival a few years back, the geeky and scraggly B2 drank 100 beers, french kissed 25 chicks & 9 dudes, penetrated 3 girls (no guys, apparently), and vomited 4 times (these numbers were recorded by a secretary documenting each "accomplishment"). i found the vomiting/tonguing combo to be especially loathsome, but B2 insisted that the beer cleaned you right up. B2 got the record for beer and tonguing dudes. i hope he doesn't mind me sharing this remarkable feat.

monday: haunted all day by what i learned on sunday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't be so closed minded!