Wednesday, September 21, 2005

date aftermath

she wasn't a teeny bopper after all, and her interests did show some intersection with mine. i was hoping to score a nice dowry and close the deal, but it turns out she's a progressive indian woman, and a christian, so i'll have to keep my job.

here's a breakdown of indian women as perceived by indian men, as far as i can tell. keep in mind that i'm an ignoramus. i will stick to the tried and true baseball metaphors for male/female interaction, adding a few new ones:

batters box - meeting with a girl with the idea of evaluating compatibility, e.g. a first date
signing the contract - getting married
losing the game - ending up anywhere from miserable to resigned
winning the game - ending up anywhere from happy to in love
traded - breaking up

old fashioned country girl

signing the contract -> home run -> lose by 10 runs

traditional woman

batters box -> signing the contract -> home run -> lose by 5 runs

modern woman

batters box -> first base -> signing the contract -> home run -> possible win, but likely loss


batters box -> first base -> second base -> signing the contract -> home run -> win or lose by a small margin


batters box -> first base -> second base -> third base -> signing the contract -> home run -> win or lose


batters box -> first base -> second base -> third base -> home run -> signed or traded

this is why alomst all western women are considered to be whores. i suspect my date is either modern or trashy.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on you posting the most awaited post!

Anonymous said...

According to an AOL survey, blogs are more likely to deal with personal matters than politics or current events, and nearly 50% of bloggers see the activity as a form of therapy.

Anonymous said...

i suspect my date is either modern or trashy.

So after muddling through that complicated analogy, I take it that this mean you almost got to 2nd base? Over sweater (or Indian equiv.) action?

steyock said...

no, i only meant that i thought she might be a person one might get to second base with pre-marriage. as far as my status with her... well, i would never kiss and blog.