some of those are different names for the same thing, and some are distinct festivals. i'm starting to think these festivals (and all of hinduism for that matter) are purposefully complex to keep the white man from understanding, adopting, and then finally corrupting them. but they underestimate me. tonight i'm skipping over understanding & adopting and moving right to the corrupting. i'm headed to an indian friend's house with a bunch of fireworks and sweets for some traditional diwali mayhem.
fireworks in california (in the few communities you can still legally get them) are "safe and sane". this means they suck.
fireworks here (known as "crackers") are insane. in every conceivable sense:

it is entirely unclear what will happen when i light der fuhrer. but i am very afraid.
Hey that's great. You can fight facism literally by blowing our favorite icon of facism with each cracker. We should have the whole set including Noriega, Milosovic, Saddam, Cheney, ...
i think you meant "blowing up".
Good old Freud ... sigh. Caught again in my own words.
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