Sunday, January 29, 2006

rajasthani whirlwind

it has been a busy week plus running around rajasthan. i have explored several massive and nearly pristine 500+ year old forts (really palaces in hilltop fortress settings). i have done puja for my friends and family along the ghats of the holy city of pushkar. i have ridden a loathesome camel deep into the thar desert and slept under the stars. i have even (legally) explored the twisted pathways of my own mind using supplies from a government authorized bhang shop.

the pace is breakneck, but i've only got 10 days til i fly to burma, and there's still so much to see...


Anonymous said...

You should post under the influence of Bhang next time ;)

Anonymous said...

Did you explain why Sri Lanka sucks? I don't think you did.

Get on it.

steyock said...

blogger is messed up. i can't post anything without it overwriting a previous post. anyway, i'm heading to burma on thursday. like china, they may well block this site and even email sites. therefore i might be switching back to ball of dirt, assuming they don't block that as well.

also, internet access will be much spottier (and pricier) in burma, so my already lackluster posting volume may get even worse...

steyock said...

that's thurday feb 9th.